Tony Gathman 3096964312
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You can start placing bids anytime! The auction ends on 11/25/18 and lots will start closing at 6:00 pm CDT. Firearms viewing will be November 21st from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm at The Main Room in Havana, IL. Additional viewings will be by appointment only. You may also find Terms and Conditions on the HiBid link as provided above. Please note there is a 5% buyer’s premium on all items purchased. Checkout will be Monday, November 26th from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm at 15056 N CR 2100E, Havana, IL. We are also willing to ship at the buyer’s expense.
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- 80 Firearms Including Several M-1 Garands
- Ammunition
- Highly Collectable Antique Tractors
- Farm Implements/Equipment
- Tools
- Dirt Bike
These pictures are only a sample of the items available on this auction. The pictures posted are only the preview images. More detailed pictures and additional lots can be viewed by clicking: